Here at Geek Native, we unexpectedly received a free review sample of Anger Smash by How Am I Weird Games (along with How Am I Weird? – review coming soon!).
We were keen to give it a go, and Ancient Robot Games on Leith Walk proved to be the perfect venue for such a task! (EDIT: It’s also worth noting we were playing with the Atomic Edition)
Reading the rules/getting set up
This was a nice and simple setup, and the rules weren’t too overly complicated – something myself and Girdy really appreciated! I mean, lookit how relaxed and happy Geek Native Daddy is reading through how to play this fabulous game.
One of the first things that got our attention were the funny cards full of colourful characters – some of which really made us chuckle. We soon worked out the game was all about collecting a set of both four matching anger cards, and four matching zen cards – whilst sabotaging your opponent. BRING IT ON!

We had to ensure the cards were properly shuffled, and that the action cards were separate from the rest, and then it was time to have at it!
Playing the game
Myself and Girdy both had a lot of fun playing Anger Smash, although Girdy has a habit of looking at the bigger picture and saving up his disruptor cards for later use – I had no such strategy, using my disruptor cards willy-nilly and later regretting it when I had no defence against the Girdinator onslaught.

The game itself was fast, furious, and we quickly learned that the key to winning is STOPPING YOUR OPPONENTS from winning. But also, not playing your hand too quickly!
Let’s just say, lessons were learned, and I won’t be making the same mistake next time.
The game took us around 40 – 45 minutes or so to play, including setup time, so it wasn’t a huge time drain, and it passed quickly. I do think that adding more players will definitely make it seem a lot more chaotic and unpredictable.

I highly recommend Anger Smash as a quick, fun, family-friendly game that doesn’t take too much brainpower to learn, and that you can get into quite quickly – I can see it being quite addictive, and great fun at parties!
We’d also highly recommend Ancient Robot Games, who once again proved the perfect host and backdrop for our gaming session in Edinburgh. Thanks, Ancient Robot Games!
And you can pick up your copy of Anger Smash for just £14.99 via Amazon Prime.
What do you think of our review of Anger Smash – have you played it yet? Let me know in the comments!