Reassuring RPG fans that Mission X will happen, Doug H Cole of Gaming Ballastic LLC has announced on Facebook that the company will not continue as it is beyond December. Gaming Ballastic LLC will become a hobby.

As of December 2024, Gaming Ballistic must revert to the same status as it was from 2017 through 2020: a part-time “hobby” business.
To keep GB as my sole business, I needed to grow. While there seemed to be a stretch where I’d pull between 450 and even 800 backers for a given project, that has dwindled to 200-450. So pretty much half. That’s just not the right direction, so when a new opportunity to step back into the role of engineering management came in, I was predisposed to seize it.
I can say that Mission X will happen, and the TFT, DFRPG, and possibly some sort of D&D version of the two manuscripts from David I have on my desk (Elazar and an adventure in that setting) will eventually see print. I can no longer say specifically when those will be.
I want to thank the hundreds or thousands of folks who allowed me to run Gaming Ballistic as a real going concern since 2020. But we must all bend to reality, and for me, that means stepping into a new role.
The publisher produced supplements for The Fantasy Trip, Dungeon Fantasy, Dragon Hersey and Old-School Essentials.
Mission X has a Kickstarter alert page and a 2025 launch date.
The game, inspired by shows like Stargate SG-1 and movies like Aliens, uses GURPS for modern action and is self-contained.
On Kickstarter, Douglas wrote;
This is going to be a full, self-contained game (think the Dungeon Fantasy RPG Boxed Set, not the worked-example genre books), that takes the best and most on point concepts from a very large licensed corpus of prior art, including some of my own Pyramid articles. It’s designed to attract new players to a genre GURPS does better than just about any other game, fast to the table and fast at the table.