On Tuesday, Knight Errant Media will launch the Titan Effect RPG Zero. The game is a new version of Titan Effect powered by Free League Publishing’s Year Zero Engine.
Knight Errant has stores on DriveThruRPG and Fantasy Grounds.
Up first will be the Titan Effect RPG Zero Quickstart.
In the world of Titan Effect, nothing is as it seems. Psychics and bio-augmented humans clash in a hidden war, serving shadowy organizations and fighting for control over the future of humanity. As gifted operatives, characters undertake dangerous missions for the clandestine SPEAR organization, battling dangerous foes and unravelling conspiracies in a world where the line between good and evil is blurred.
I spoke to designer Christian Nommay about the new game and adopting the Year Zero Engine.
Why take Titan Effect to the Year Zero Engine?
The main reason is to make Titan Effect more accessible. Since I released the first edition of Titan Effect, many people have sent messages to say they are very interested in the setting but have no interest in Savage Worlds. For years, I’ve been looking for an additional rules system and even did some tests with a demo for S5E: Superheroic Roleplaying for 5th Edition and Tricube Tales. Eventually, I discovered the Year Zero Engine with Alien and Blade Runner and fell in love with the system.
Can you support supplements for TE across multiple game system versions?
I am fully committed to making supplements and adventures for both systems. I have no intentions to abandon Savage Worlds, as it is essential for me to show my appreciation to a community that has been instrumental in the evolution and success of Titan Effect. That’s also why, for the QuickStart, I took one of the missions written for the Savage Worlds version and adapted it to YZE–to check how both systems could coexist. However, because Savage Worlds and YZE are a bit different, I have yet to figure out what form these supplements will take.
What will you do next for Titan Effect?
I plan to launch a Kickstarter for Titan Effect RPG Zero next year and follow it up with a campaign for both versions. In the future, I also have plans for new adventures and mini-campaigns. In parallel, I’m working on a novel, an anime, and even a live-action series project.
The game is expected on Tuesday, and Geek Native has confirmed it’ll be available via DriveThruRPG.
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