Does your RPG have goblin markets or floating markets? Team Geek Native are just back from an Edinburgh Night Market. I bought rum; let’s see how bad the mistakes are tonight!

Let’s look at the RPG summaries summary;
- Kent David Kelly puts 129 Oldskull products into one bundle.
- Musk’s threats to buy Hasbro send the D&D and M: TG publisher stock price up (making it harder for Musk to buy the company)
- Chaosium is in London for a Call of Cthulhu signing event.
- Lord of the Rings comes to D&D Beyond.
Sketchy Van RPG helped us make the end-of-month RPG Publisher interview cut-off!
The candidates for December are;
On with the news!
Support: Patreon.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Forbidden Planet in London hosted a Chaosium double book launch event this Friday (related: Signed Edition.)
- Geek Native has a Free STL and preview: Sol’Kesh Ynnil.
- Not lost among the comments, Gary Gygax’s daughter calls her father “sexist” in response to recent D&D row.
- Knight Errant Media will bring Titan Effect to the Year Zero Engine.
- The RPG Publisher Spotlight with Sketchy Van RPG is live.
- In the Bundle of Holding, there’s Fantasy-punk rebellion double-trouble! Spire and Heart both have bundles.
Spotlight: Sketchy Van RPG
RPG news from around the web

- Business Insider can’t quite back it up with a direct quote, but after talking to “more than game”, Jess Lanzillo says there are plans to keep D&D hot for 50 more years.
- Ready for the AI? New publisher Spine aims to disrupt the publishing industry by using AI to publish 8,000 books in 2025.
- After receiving attention from media and fans, both positive and negative, surprising no one, Musk doubles down and asks How much is Hasbro.
- As EN World writes up, the posturing then makes Hasbro Stock Price Surge.
- D&D Beyond share Venture into Middle-earth with Free League Publishing’s The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying.
- Monte Cook Games have news about The Magnus Archives RPG.
- Mollie Russel pens New DnD Evil Dead 2 book mixes my two favorite things, gore and social deduction.
- At Polygon, Rowan Zeoli puts together Play Dungeons & Dragons online in the world of Critical Role.
- MSN/APC Health carries Role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons still a space for community and camaraderie 50 years after its release.
- Charlie Hall scribes The World of Warcraft co-creator’s D&D setting Auroboros is for bards who rock.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Grognardia offers a retrospective on Al-Qadim: Arabian Adventures and the sci-fi Traveller Starter Pack.
- The Alexandrian offers an old review again with a look at The Fantastic Adventure.
- Reviews from R’lyeh pens a Friday Fantasy review for Raiding the Obsidian Keep.
- Throat Punch Games has a ring side report of Xcrawl Classics RPG.
- Forrest for the Trees reviews Appendix N: The Eldritch Roots of Dungeons and Dragons by Peter Bebergal.
RPG new releases

- Arcknight releases SpaceJammer, Adventures in the Astral Plane Full Digital Kit.
- Goodman Games publishes DCC RPG: Grimtooth’s Old-School Traps.
- Gnomebot Studios release the rules-light GRIT Fantasy RPG.
- Lightspress Media publish Occult Fantasy.
- Pretty cool! In print, pre-order Call Of Cthulhu: Cthulhu By Gaslight: Investigator’s Guide (Signed Edition).
RPG bundle deals
- Save $304.22 (79%) in Kent David Kelly’s The Monstrous Everything Oldskull Bundle – 129 Releases.
- Save $81.40 (73%) with the DMsGuild’s Dice Average RPG Super Cyber Sale 2024 bundle.
- Save $61.00 (50%) in Star Anvil Studios The Secret World_5E bundle.
- Save $50.94 (12%) with MediaStream Press’ Super Power System bundle.
- Save $15.57 (30%) in Jay Africa’s DMJA: The Big Bundle Vol.1.
- Save $5.00 (13%) with Aether Corp Games’ Field Agent Handbooks bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- The Alexandrian writes up Ptolus: Running the Campaign – What the Magic Looks Like.
- Bravely, Kobold Press offers Ask Jiro all your questions about the Game Master’s Guide!.
- The Angry GM puts together True Mechanical Managery: When Death Comes Calling II
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth mentioning;

- The Ghost of Brickpile Castle – An Adventure for Dragonbane from Dunderdagar nominates “What devilry dwells in Brickpile Castle? Do you have the courage to seek out the evil within its walls? An adventure from Dunderdagar.”
- Disco Party Goblin, Handmade 50mm D20 DND Dice from Moonmares Games suggests “Where every dice roll is a dance move and join the goblins for a night of fun and fate!”
- Pits of Brund for D&D 5th Edition from William Murakami-Brundage crowdfunds “Rumors swirl around the cities, speaking of evil awakening in the Pits of Brund. A D&D 5E megadungeon for level 1-10 characters.”
- FatesEnd Tomes – 3D Printable Storage for your gaming gear! from Kim Bourrie proposes “Twenty D&D and Elemental-themed 3D-printable book boxes for cards, dice, and minis. Add epic style to your table—no supports needed!”
- The Reeve of Hollow Dreams – D&D5e Holiday Adventure from Grim Press nominates “Uncover the secrets of Evershade in this D&D5e 3rd-level adventure for 4-6 players. Expose the Reeve before dreams turn to nightmares!”
- A Feast For A Sphinx from Evlyn Moreau introduces “A MÖRK BORG dungeon crawl of gold and tragedy”
- Book of Natural Magic Zine 002 from Dan Sprietzer offers “Bringing the Magic of Nature to your Fantasy Roleplay Game”
- Cyberpunk Scenarios from A4 Play proposes “An anthology of mission scenarios featuring cyber puzzles and random events. Everyday strife in a cyberpunk utopia.”
- With Every Fibre from Giles Pritchard submits “Epic fantasy role playing, in a pocket sized zine.”
- The Cursed Village of Eldermire from Jason Mellas submits “A Gothic Horror Role Playing Adventure for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition for Character Levels 1-4”
- La Torre – Hock Tuldar’s Bastions. D&D 5E Adventure from The Velar Company submits “The second volume of the epic RpG DnD 5E Adventure into the fantastic world of La Torre”
- The 15 Conditions Tokens, Coins. Printable Stl File from One Dragon Coin_Companion offers “Tokens – Coins representing the 15 conditions of D&D, double-sided, 3D printable STL files.”
- Deck Box Dice Case from RolynDiceLtd crowdfunds “Holds thirty five 12mm D6, fits perfectly in a deck box.”
- 100 Unique Locations for D&D 5e Volume 2! from Igor Antunes nominates “The 2nd volume to the DnD 5E supplement packed w/ 100+ one-page locations, points of interest, quests, for your Campaign or Adventure!”
- New Dominion from Ill Gotten Games nominates “Mythological beings stand against a tyrannical police state in this epic sci-fantasy RPG-skirmish game hybrid + range of STL miniatures”
- ENDLING: a tarot-driven solo-journaling game from M. Allen Hall proposes “A solo TTRPG that uses tarot cards to tell the story of the endling, the last human alive.”
- P!LLS FVLL of GODS – Rehumanized from Paweł Kicman kickstarts “AI-less supplement for CY_BORG.”
- Charlie Foxtrot for Savage Worlds from 23rd Century Productions crowdfunds “Six standalone sci-fi adventures for Savage Worlds set in the Battlelords Universe”
- The Lost Chronicles of Oz from J Everett Nichol proposes “A fun and open-licensed tabletop roleplaying game, set in the land of Oz, based on Cairn RPG and Brighter Worlds.”
- On the Dotted Line: Warlock Subclasses for D&D 5e from Lodrago Publications suggests “A collection of 10 new and unique subclasses for dnd 5e (2014 and 2024)”
- 2D6 Legendary Dungeon – A Dungeon Crawler from Toby Lancaster proposes “An Expansion for 2D6 Dungeon – A Print and Play, Roll and Write, Dungeon Crawler, Solo Player Game designed by Toby Lancaster”
- SLAV BORG: Gurlitz Grand Prix, a racing adventure RPG from Slavdom Studio proposes “Bandit realm, goblin upstarts, and the mysterious visitor that wants to change it all up. Race to the top, or skim wealth from it!”
- Twisted and Deranged: Where every move could be your last! from Shagun Bhargo pitches “”Battle of the Infamous: Rise to Notoriety in this Twisted Serial Killer Showdown!””
- Evil Dead 2: 5e RPG Campaign and Setting Book from Lynnvander Studios RPG is working on “This is an action-packed, blood-splattering, curse-inducing, deadite-corrupting, limb-grafting, groovy-gaming, survival horror TTRPG!”
- 1st Adventures: Sands of Betrayal from 1stAdventures raises funds for “A 1E/OSRIC compatible adventure for the World´s Greatest Role Playing Game. Easily adaptable for 5th Edition!”
- Monsters of the Month: Ancient Blasphemies from Ben Meadows from Periapt Games raises funds for “Fiendish things for Fifth Edition D&D! Primeval godlings, Hellions, the Beastmasked, Hæresiarchs, Godhead parasites, and many more!”
- Cardyhedron – Portable Metal Spin-Dial Polyhedral Dice from SmokyCreation nominates “A sleek, metal card with spin dials for d4 to d20. Minimalist, portable, and durable – carry a full polyhedral dice set in your pocket!”
- Slime Bestiary: Part One from SlimeVibes3D crowdfunds “A Small Collection of Homebrew Slime-Class Beasts for your RPG needs. High-Quality 3D Printable Miniatures (STL Files).”
- Monster Miniatures: Folio of Fiends Vol III from Rocket Pig Games suggests “The third installment of creature collections for tabletop gaming & dungeon crawl adventures! Always .stl format for your 3D printer.”
- Power Creep: A Dungeon Pages Adventure from Jason Greeno raises funds for “A solo, weekly game with additional content throughout all of 2025. Print and play but no assembly required. Starts at $3.”
- Ascendice 2: Levitating Dice for D&D from The Shop of Many Things raises funds for “The next-generation ultimate D20, crafted to elevate your game, enchant your rolls, and serve as a stunning display piece.”
- Hoard Holder – Tabletop Gaming Storage from Draw 1 Design pitches “A practical 3D printable solution to conquer your collection”
- TROLLEY-BOLLEYS from Isag0 offers “5 creepy miniatures of monsters and creatures designed for DnD, RPG, board games and home aesthetics. Ready to print in 32mm and higher”
- In Search of the Lost Egg. A PF2e PDF & VTT Module from Mrinfiniti suggests “In Search of the Lost Egg is a short adventure of approximately 9 sessions for PF2e. It includes PDF and Foundry VTT implementation.”
- The Dice Compendium 2 – The Smart Dice Display from GlowCraft pitches “Display your precious dice sets in all their glory and catalogue your entire collection with a dedicated phone app.”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.