Matrix Ghost Games‘s Chromatic Shadows Basic Rules have been out for over a year – and they’re free in PDF.
Or, if you prefer paper, then DriveThruRPG will print you a colour softcover version of the 94 RPG for $20, and you will get the PDF for free.
The game is set after a collapse in which three megacorps were torched and turned to ash. What a shame. However, as the secret war between the factions suddenly ended that left black sites out there, rich with occult power and who-knows-what, have been abandoned.
The game offers character-driven cyberpunk-style play within a large urban setting and a Sprawl rife with factions and occult oddities. The system uses d6 and pays homage to games like Shadowrun and Vampire the Masquerade.
These rules are full colour and include character generation and archetypes. There are hacking rules, weapons, cybergear, and occult assets.
However, there is also Chromatic Shadows Basic Set, which is neither free nor available on print-on-demand. This download comes in at 129 pages and adds The Emerald Aurora, a full-length adventure.
Author Kristopher Hedley pitches;
CHROMATIC SHADOWS is an original weird cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game. The BASIC RULES contain everything you need to jump straight into a strange new world of cyberpunk action and occult intrigue!
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