Mythos Manuscript kicked the heck out of their Kickstarter target for Rustpunk. The game is a solo TTRPG set after the apocalypse and in a post-nuclear world.
The game has you go up against bloodthirsty horrors, explore dangerous areas and otherwise try and survive the apocalpse. You can see progress on the pitch page.
Mythos Manuscript gives us a hundred or so years and sets Rustpunk in 2211.
Characters are memory miners from Dusthaven, protecting their clans and finding lost knowledge. Players face a dynamic combat system, maps, resource management and strategy choices.
Some solo games are lightweight, but Ruskpunk weighs in at 134 pages and will have a hardback. The game also uses illustrations inspired by popular modern anime. There’s a 54-page Wonderer Journal in addition to the core rules, which contains the play sheets such as the radiation monitor and reality layer.
For the ruthless and determined, the Rust Raiders are a brutal force. Known for their violence and overwhelming firepower, they dominate their lands, taking what they want and leaving destruction behind. Joining them grants powerful combat gear and perks but strains relationships with other factions and complicates diplomacy.

Backers at €14 (£12) get the digital edition of both books as a reward for supporting the campaign.
At €34, the reward is upgraded to the core rulebook, with shipping added later, and those two digital Rustpunk books.
The complete physical set unlocks at €44 with the core Rustpunk rules and Wanderer Journal, plus digital editions, included. Shipping, of course, is extra.
There’s a €64 deluxe tier with an expansion back, extra weapon cards, and both with their digital doppelganger.
Mythos Manuscript will run the Kickstarter until March 6th, and delivery of the project is pegged in for August 2025.