Quick Kickstarter specialist Chamomile Has A Project is back again, funded, and with just over a week on the clock.
The game is Red Mage, which can be run solo or with a few friends, does not need a GM and uses Ironsworn. You can see details on the crowdfunding page.
In Red Mage, characters explore the wilderness and slaying monsters. Games can be played in 45-minute chunks and are based on Ironsworn. The SRD of that game is free to download.
The game adds new assets and rules such as some for social gatherings and dungeon crawls. The campaign runs until the end of the month.
Opposition is provided by two ten-sided dice, called Cinder and Wraith. Cinder is forceful and aggressive, representing opposition that is direct and often violent. Wraith is cold and reserved, representing opposition that is cunning and precise. When you face opposition, you roll both, along with the usual assortment of modifiers, and get a strong hit if you beat both, a weak hit if you beat one, and a miss if you beat neither. When Cinder and Wraith are both high, you face ferocious adversity. When Cinder is strong but Wraith is waning, your opposition is straightforwardly powerful. When Wraith is strong while Cinder is waning, your opposition threatens you with positioning or a sudden precise strike. When both are weak, everything goes better than expected.

Backers at $15 get the PDF of Red Mage, setting and reference guide and asset sheets.
At $25, the softcover rules and print-and-play tactical cards are added to the reward for backers.
“Red Mage with cards” is the $45 tier, and then at $100, there’s a big leap to Monster and a foe based on your character. At $250, there’s the Hero Red Mage tier and rather than a foe there’s a companion based on your character.
Chamomile Has A Project estimates Red Mage will ship in May.