The League of Adventures deal on the Bundle of Holding, bringing steampunk adventure to the Ubiquity system has become a celebration of Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams.

Wiggy is retiring from writing but will remain active within Triple Ace Games, a games publishing company he co-founded with Robin Elliott in 2008.
It’s been 28 years of writing, and a few years back, there was a stoke. He’s described as “mostly recovered”.
An interview with Wiggy in 2023 by Anthony Boyd asked about his return to TAG’s Mordavia line and the stroke was mentioned there. Wiggy said;
Six months after my stroke I was trying to stimulate my brain. I decided to return to Mordavia since Gothic Horror is my favourite genre to write for and I could add a few pages at a time. It was supposed to be a personal task, not something TAG would ever publish. I happened to mention the manuscript had been expanded to Rob and he wanted it for publication.
The comment, I think, does a good job at highlighting the writer’s work ethic!
Wiggy was the Creative Director at PEG and created Necropolis and then Slipstream before co-founding Triple Ace Games. Originally, Triple Ace published supplements for Savage Worlds. They expanded.
Photo credit: Triple Ace Games.