Black Powder and Brimstone is a grimdark tabletop RPG that merges the horror of gothic folk with the action of swashbuckling. The game is out in friendly local gaming stores and DriveThruRPG.
Black Powder and Brimstone is a MÖRK BORG-compatible indie but standalone RPG packed with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons. It’s an art-heavy and rules-light game.
Ben Tobitt, creator of Black Powder and Brimstone, told press;
I’m hoping to reach an audience of people who love fantasy and adventure but want something other than Tolkienesque western fantasy, and I want players to let loose as ruthless adventurers in a dark and gothic world haunted by demons and patrolled by zealots. The rules are there to facilitate dynamic swashbuckling combat and thrilling encounters that I hope will create memorable stories set in this grimdark setting.
Characters are caught up in the chaos of conflict, and that might lead them to destruction or to powerful weapons and forbidden magic, which can be used to wrestle profit out from the drama.
Page spreads from Black Powder and Brimstone
Want to see how art-heavy Black Powder and Brimstone is? Geek Native has several page layout spreads to share.