You may have noticed that Paizo’s Pathfinder line went toe to toe with Wizards of the Coast in the ENnies. Paizo’s Bestiary 2 beat WotC’s Monster Vault in the Best Monster/Adversary group, Pathfinder: Inner Sea World Guide beat WotC’s Dark Sun Campaign Setting in Best Setting and in fan’s choice for best publisher; Paizo Publishing beat Wizards of the Coast.
But does any of this matter?
It might do. According to ICV2 Wizards of the Coast is no longer the best selling RPG. Pathfinder is. ICV2 are a specialist firm of consultants who track the comic book, anime, games and collectable markets. Their sales charts have some authority.
Are you a Paizo and Pathfinder fan? Why do you prefer them to Wizards of the Coast and their settings? Or are you still a D&D loyalist? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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