Cubicle 7 are giving away the adventure Words of the Wise. This is a The One Ring adventure that they ran during GenCon 2011.
In the game the heroes will have to deliver a message to King Thranduil for Radagast the Brown. Sound simple? Maybe but the adventurers will have make they way through the dangerous mess of Mirkwood. If only the words of the wise were always easy to understand.
“When the land of the Woodmen is threatened, the company must carry the words of the wise in a quest for aid. Success depends upon their actions as much as message they deliver, and there is even more at stake than they realise.”
The adventure was advertised as being suitable for players with no prior RPG experience for its GenCon appearance and ran for four hours. It was written by Dominic McDowall-Thomas and Francesco Nepitello. These are two of the four authors who created The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild game.