British RPG publisher Cubicle 7 hold the license for the Doctor Who RPG. It’s Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space and dates back to David Tennant as the tenth Doctor. As a result it looks like the tenth Doctor.
There’s a “refresh” of the game coming – one with a new Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor on the cover along side Karen Gillan as Amy Pond.
If you pre-order before 5th of March using 11DOC$ for the US or 11DOC£ for the UK then you’ll get the game for either $10 or £5 off. Cubicle 7 explain that tax differences mean the UK saving isn’t quite as good as the US one.
What’s new in the refreshed Adventures in Time and Space? There’s new art and graphic design in the book. There’s new aliens and creatures based on the Doctor’s most recent encounters and there are new adventures written just for this book. One for the fans or the first-timers.