Wicked World Games have been catching the attention of sci-gamers with Cold & Dark. This is a game that blends gritty horror with sci-fi. Space is cold and dark; dangers are extreme, incomprehensible and horrifying.
The company, who have partnered Chronicle City to bring us the game, have relased a free download Cold & Dark: Lost Redemption already.
We’ve been teased that a Quick Guide might be coming and Geek Native believes that will happen this weekend. Gamers should watch DriveThru RPG or Wicked World’s own downloads page. Price? Free!
Mischa Thomas, lead designer at Wicked World, told Geek Native;
“After a lot of work the Quick-Guide is here. It’s been quite a chore compressing the material as we really wanted to cram the document with goodies. When you try to squeeze in as much relevant material from a 300+ page book into a pdf platform, consisting of 65 pages, it’s all about slimming it down. However, we’re very happy with the result and we hope you sci-fi gamers will enjoy it as well.”
It is still early days for the printed book and I imagine Wicked World will be discussing with Chronicle City whether the book will be black and white, more costly but in colour or perhaps a hybrid of the two. I hope there will be at least a colour section as Cold & Dark looks to be as beautiful as it is dangerous.
Exclusive Cold & Dark art
Wicked World Games have been kind enough to let Geek Native share some of the concept art designed for the main book. As this is concept there’s no guarantee that it will stay the same… or even see the light of day again.
“These two concepts are currently going through art direction before they’re completely nailed down and fully illustrated. We won’t reveal any spoilers regarding the Steel Seeker other than it’s a creature you don’t want to run into while looking for salvage in that remote abandoned space station. On the other hand you might just make it if you have hired a Legionnaire. They’re tough as nails, focused and have a tendency to flood their circulatory system with high-grade combat stims.”