One of my favourite reads of the year has been Samit Basu’s Turbulence. This is a superhero story for thinking people.
Basu’s publisher is Titan Books. They publish a range of native geek books as a quick tour of their website will confirm. We’re talking some Batman stuff, some Star Wars stuff, Superman, Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica and others.
Here’s your chance to get their attention and win a copy of Turbulance. It’s a competition. Titan have 10 copies of Turbulance to give away. That’s 10 in total, 10 across the whole web, 10 across all the blogs and readers who are taking part – the good news is, that as a Geek Native reader, you can take part.
To win you need to Tweet @TitanBooks with a description of the most original superhero you can think of. You need to include the hashtag #turbulence and a link back to the review as Samit Basu will be judging the competition himself.
Recap: Send a tweet to @titanbooks, with #turbulance, a link, and an original superhero idea to win a copy of Turbulence.
You also have the chance to impress a geek publisher with your creativity.
Bonus: Competition within a competition
Geek Native readers should be fantastic at this competition! We should blow the other blogs out of the water. I want to make sure we do – so I’m adding an incentive.
If your superhero tweet is picked by Samit and you win a copy of the book then Geek Native will email you a £10 Amazon voucher too.
Total prize fund: A free superhero novel, £10 and the chance to impress Titan Books.
Some things to note – Turbulence is just out in the UK and isn’t yet out in the US. If you’re not in the UK you might be waiting a while for your book. Titan Books will be handling the fulfilment of the book itself. Is £10 the wrong currency of Amazon voucher? Geek Native will send alternatives via Amazon CA or Amazon US too.
The competition has closed.
This is a post from 2012’s Superhero Week. If you want to check out other superhero-themed goodies then pop over to the Superhero Week collection page or visit a random superhero posted with this teleport link.