Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt is a popular anime produced by Gainax. It follows two angels, Panty and Stocking, kicked out of Heaven for bad behavior. They are cast out into Daten City where, under the instruction of Reverend Gatherbelt, they have to battle Ghosts and collect Heaven Coins in order to get back into Heaven.
The Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt Complete Series Collection was released in a 3-disc DVD boxset this year. Manga have now admitted problems with episodes 11, 12 and 13 on Disc 3.
“After investigating the many complaints we received via Twitter and Facebook we have examined the master tapes supplied to us and discovered faults on episodes 11, 12 and 13 of Disc 3. We run a vigorous quality control process at Manga Entertainment and unfortunately in this instance a critical error was made during the mastering process. “
The company will be re-authoring both Discs 2 and 3 of the set, creating new stock and will re-release the DVDs – but are unable to provide a release date at this stage.
The company apologies and advises customers to return their DVDs.
“In the mean time we advise any customer who is unhappy with their purchase to return it to the point of purchase for a refund or credit. It is my hope that we shall have a brand new and flawless DVD release of Panty and Stocking available online and on-shelf at all good retailers by the end of September.”
This is, no doubt, hugely embarrassing for the company and a thread about the issues remains open on their Facebook page in the UK.
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