This post contains spoilers for the first episode of season 7 of the new Doctor Who. If you’ve not seen Asylum of the Daleks then you may wish to look at these Carcassonne cupcakes instead.
The spoilers impact the first few minutes of the show.
The Daleks were created by a man. They rebelled. They “evolved”. There are many copies. And they have a plan.
The original poster is this famous Cylons image; from toaster to skin job.
Yeah. Daleks didn’t begin as either toasters or Daleks either; they started as Kelads. If this was anything other than a joke chart then we’d need a humanoid at the start. We wouldn’t need one at the end because the new creations are puppets not actual Daleks either. Just sayin’
Dalek art from Hippy and, yes, there are very many more Dalek evolutions than shown here.
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