Sean Patrick Fannon has been at the helm of the community management around DriveThruRPG and RPGNow for a long while now and has done a stirling job. He’s moved on, though, to concentrate on his skills as a freelancer.
In an interesting move he’s created a service called Your Savage Expert.
In essence, Fannon draws on his professional experience in writing for the Savage Worlds RPG to bring gamers low cost and hands on help for the setting. There are three tiers.
The Your Savage Character is a £1.85 ($3) service in which Fannon helps design your Savage Worlds character.
The Your Savage Adventure is a £6.17 ($10) offering in which you enjoy a three-act adventure.
Lastly, in Your Savage Campaign is a £12.34 ($20) service that provides you with a unique four-to-six session campaign.
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