Harker is a British detective story. A comic that follows the genre of grizzled UK cops investigating the strange. So we have Detective Chief Inspector Harker and his assistant DS Critchley beginning The Book of Solomon with the discovery of a gruesome murder on the steps of a museum. The investigation quickly escalates into a close up look at very British Satanism.
Harker: The Book of Solomon is an engaging read. DCI Harker, at times, feels more like an anti-hero than the hero – but it works. DS Critchley is easy to like and a good partner for the detective chief inspector.
I recommend the book – despite having a go at the whiff of anti-D&D nonesense in an interview with co-creator Roger Gibson here on Geek Native.
Disclaimer: My copy of Harker was provided for the purposes of the Roger Gibson interview and planned review.
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