- Arx Fatalis
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- Perpetrated Press – Arsenal
Perpetrated Press – Arsenal
Arsenal is a compendium of magical firearms, explosives, and armor for your d20 campaign available from Perpetrated Press.
Between the covers of ARSENAL you will find hundreds of scientifically advanced magic weapons with a technological slant. Using them, you can
- Arm bug-hunting colonial marines of a star-faring society.
- Support the modern battlefields with assault rifles and submachine guns.
- Litter the apocalyptic wastelands with the dilapidated antiques of a preeminent past.
- Tempt medieval warriors with antediluvian relics of astonishing power.
- Provide that one remaining isolated pocket of an ancient civilization with the means to defend itself against the hordes of primitive adventurers seeking to despoil it.
DISINTEGRATOR HEAVY RIFLE | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Frequently used by assassins employed by members of certain, well-connected families, the disintegrator emits a thin, green ray that causes the target to glow briefly and then suddenly vanish. A trace of fine dust is all that remains of the victim. The weapon’s retort is a harsh scratching, similar to fingernails dragged across a chalkboard. Whereas this weapon does not leave behind a body for police and others to discover, most jurisdictions have banned it as unduly thwarting the efforts of law enforcement investigators.
Unlike other firearms, the disintegrator does not inflict hit point damage. Instead, the result of the “damage” roll, minus the damage reduction enjoyed by the target, sets the DC for the victim’s Fortitude save to resist the effects. If the target succeeds at the save, he takes hit point damage equal to the DC of the save. If the target fails the save, he is immediately disintegrated and quite dead. If used against inanimate matter, the weapon disintegrates one cubic foot per point of damage. |
TANGLER AUTOCANNON | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sometimes referred to as the leaf blower, due to its strange appearance, the tangler autocannon is often used by law enforcement officials to capture felons, subdue violent perpetrators, or quell mobs.
The tangler autocannon fires an expanding mass of bright orange goo that immobilizes the target. Unlike other firearms, the tangler does not inflict hit point damage. Instead, the result of the “damage” roll sets the DC for the target’s Reflex save to resist the effects. If the target succeeds at the save, there is no effect. If the target fails the save, he is entangled. If he fails the save by 5 or more he is also anchored. An entangled creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to effective Dexterity. If he is anchored, he cannot move. Otherwise, he can move at half speed, but can’t run or charge. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC usually 15) or lose the spell. Entangled creatures can break free by using a full round action to make a Strength Check or an Escape Artist check (DC 20). |
CALEFACTOR HEAVY MACHINE GUN | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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This godgun focuses holy power into a ray of solar brilliance, emitting a blast of light that sears like the hottest fire accompanied by a loud sizzling sound. The calefactor is the only divine weapon that is commonly found without signature technology restricting the user. Gods opposed to the undead graciously permit anyone to use their weaponry to destroy such beings.
Calefactors focus the purifying light of the sun and inflict greater damage against undead. When used against undead, count each damage die roll of 1 or 2 as a roll of 3. When used against undead particularly vulnerable to sungliht, such as vampires, count a roll of 1 or 2 or 3 as a roll of 4. |
INCINERATOR | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Not many words can invigorate a full-blown technomagic gun nut like “incinerator”. Who would have thought that such a phonetically-pleasing word could be applied to such terrifying weapon? Be that as it may, few soldiers despair the inclusion of one of these guns in the platoon.
The incinerator emits a roaring spray of flame, scorching everything in a 5-foot wide path out to 50 feet. Anyone within this area of effect must make a Reflex save at DC 15 for half damage. No attack roll is necessary when firing an incinerator. Silencers and the distance special ability may not be applied to incinerators. |
BLASTER PISTOL | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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The popularity of the blaster pistol cannot be denied. Everyone from accuracy-challenged imperial troops to egotistical nerf herders to crop-dusting farm boys wouldn’t leave home without one. Based on the ubiquitous magic missile spell, this weapon is offered by all gun manufacturers.
The blaster emits a gleaming beam of kinetic force that streaks toward the target and bursts with shattering impact. The tell-tale squealing retort of the blaster is enough to scatter innocent bystanders and terrify the intended target. If he lives long enough to hear it. |
FEEBLER SMG | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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The feebler shoots a crackling green bolt of steaming negative energy that saps the strength of the target.
Unless the target makes a Fortitude save against the DC of the weapon he suffers the indicated amount of temporary Strength damage. A character with 0 Strength falls to the ground and is helpless. These points return at the rate of 1 per day. Feeblers ignore damage reduction and energy resistance. Feeblers must succeed at a caster level check against targets protected by negative energy protection armor and spells. |
BLAZER SMG | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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The blazer discharges a small, sizzling orb of magical flame with a trailing tail of fire. This easily ignites any unattended flammable objects, as well as inflicting serious burns on living victims. Pyromaniacs and arsonists delight in using blazers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
To keep up with future sneak peaks from Perpetrated Press then watch their official sneak peak page. |
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