Wonder Woman is supposed to be something of an Amazon. Not from Brazil, but a culture more like Greek Amazon from mythology. The Amazons, who fought in the Trojan War, were supposed to be from the region of Scythia.
It may be the case that rumours of actual warrior graves in Scythia, in which burried women were dressed as men, gave rise to the legend. Fans of the Highland movie might note that the Kurgans came from the same region.
Does that sound like Wonder Woman to you? Or does the current Wonder Woman still bounce around in a swimming suit that uses typical red, white and blue colours?
Rory Phillips came up with his alternative. He notes;
“I have always thought Wonder Woman should look more like a warrior, and less like a pinup. The Amazons of Classical Greek lore were from the region of Scythia. I wanted her outfit to reflect that culture and be almost ceremonial.”