Today, March 30th, is International TableTop Day. It’s a chance for local stores, gaming groups and even households to get some gaming in. It’s been created by Geek & Sundry and you can, in a way, even have Felicia Day or Wil Wheaton make an appearance at your gaming table!
Can’t get out? You can do International TableTop Day online as well. For a start, checkout the International TableTop Day sale at DriveThru RPG which includes a free TableTop Day bundle.
You could also meet more gamers, use the #TableTopDay hashtag and join some Google+ RPG communities. Here are some suggestions!
1: TableTop Fan Community
Let’s start with an easy one. Join the fan community for TableTop. With moderators from Geek & Sundry themselves this community is an ideal place to chat with fellow fans, geek out and talk RPGs. They have streams for “Looking for Group” as well as “International TableTop Day” itself.
Join TableTop Fan Community.
2: Roleplaying Games
This is a large but not spammy community for tabletop roleplayers. It supports a wide range of streams from general discussion, to hangout gaming, worldbuilding and problem solving. The community makes sure any promotional content (hello Kickstarters) lives in a section of its own. Co-moderated by Geek Native.
Join Roleplaying Games.
3: Map-Making in Games
One of the areas Google+ works very well as a community host is with pictures and visuals. The Map-Making in Games community does very well as a result. With over 1.5k members, and streams for resources, tips and even maps for sharing the community is a useful place to visit for all roleplayers.
Join Map-Making in Games.
4: Game Master Tips
The Game Master Tips community is making steady progress towards reaching 1,000 members. The group is kept simple and straight forward with GMs offering advice and a stream for pepole to ask advice. That’s topped off with people sharing cool and useful links.
Join Game Master Tips.
5: Roll20 Player Network
Really want to get some gaming in today? Want to have a face-to-face experience so you can see the looks of surprise, fear or delight on players’ faces… but can’t get out? Roll20 is an app for Google+ Hangouts that will let you tabletop virtually. This Google+ community is home to some of the Roll20 fans and an ideal place to find a game.
Join Roll20 Player Network.
6: Dungeons and Dragons – DND Fans
D&D fans have spread themselves into specialist communities in Google+ but one of the most populate, well moderated, generalist communities is “DND Fans”. Moderated by 5 people, the community has streams for general discussion, tools as well as for art, movies and videos. It’s a great place for inspiration.
Join Dungeons and Dragons – DND Fans.
7: Fate Core
Fate Cote is the RPG system from Evil Hat Productions and the community, now with over two thousand gamers, is one of the largest. This is the defacto place to go with questions or comments. In addition the group shares news on expansions, play by post and Looking for Group.
Join Fate Core.
8: Pathfinder RPG
This is one of the largest Pathfinder groups on Google+ and that’s thanks to the players and the busy four hosts. The community has about a dozen streams; resources, conversions, the Pathfinder Society and even one for ‘best death’.
Join Pathfinder RPG.
9: Savage Worlds
A very strong community for anything related to Savage Worlds. In particular, this group is great for pointing Savage World gamers at useful blogs and podcasts while keeping track of all the Savage Worlds publishers and products. There’s over 1,000 members in this community which reminds us how popular Savage Worlds is.
Join Savage Worlds.
10: History RPGs
The smallest of the communities in this collection of TableTop Day recommendations but just as targeted. This group is a great place to go if you’re looking for recommendations on specific history games or have questions about the one you’re already playing. The mix of really intelligent discussion and finds with general chat about gaming makes this group a standout.
Join History RPGs.