The next instalment of the Resident Evil franchise is coming. Resident Evil: Revelations began life as a handheld scare and how how made it all the way to the console. This survival horror title takes place between the Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 timelines and stars both Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield.
As mankind battles the T-Virus zombies there is another battle under-way. We must not forget the battle between Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Both consoles will have this game. Which one do you want? Perhaps you could cope with both?
The competitions below are a chance to win a copy of the game for yourself. You can enter both if you want. To play simply login and click on the panels to open up missions. Press the buttons that appear and follow instructions. If you’re lucky some zombies could be heading their way to you soon.
This competition is restricted to the UK (licensing). You can check out Resident Evil: Revelations for the Xbox 360 or for the PlayStation 3 with these links. Pegi age: 16.
Appliances are the kind sponsors of this Resident Evil: Revelations competition. They’ve a blog too and as their Twitter bio says; “We’re not just another dry souless corporate blog. And we talk about pretty things. It’s all good, baby.”
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