It’s Superhero Week and specialist shop has a 10% sale on. Bonus. Just use the code summer10
to get 10% off your purchase.
As it’s Superhero Week lets dig into the data the site provides and investigate the best selling superhero cardboard cutouts. Any surprises here? Wally West as Flash beating the Dark Knight Rises Batman, perhaps?
Batman Standing 72″
The Avengers movie Incredible Hulk
Wonder Woman 72″
Ed Benes’ Superman 72″
[For me]
The Avengers movie Captain America
The Avengers movie Iron Man
[This Stark tech belongs to me]
Wally West Flash 72″
Dark Knight Rises Batman
Superman Standing 72″
The Avengers movie Thor
This is a post from 2013’s Superhero Week. If you want to check out other superhero-themed goodies then pop over to the Superhero Week collection page or visit a random superhero posted with this teleport link.