While the comedy $1,000,000,000 stretch goal (an actual time machine) remains safely locked; Kevin Kulp’s TimeWatch looks set to fund. The Gumshoe Investigative RPG, part of Pelgrane Press’ growing collection, only asked for $4,000. As this post goes up they still have 10 days on the clock and have raised close to $55,000.
I’d call that success.
The game promises fast and light. You can put the rules down as the GM and still cope with characters who come back from the future to help themselves out in firefights in the present day. (Whenever that present day happens to be.)
If you pledge just $1 you’ll get immediate access to the “Jurassic Edition” of the game. This is the playteste draft. at $10 you get the PDF of the finished edition. The unlocked stretch goals include adventures from Jim Groves, postcards with colour art, GM screens, mission hooks, campaign expansions, cross-over with other Gumshow games (like Night’s Black Agents, Esoterrorists, Ashen Stars or Mutant City Blues) and hardcover options.