This might be an over reaction.
It might be – but it really rubs me the wrong way. After The End of Time part 2 had played on UK TV the BBC ran a series of follow up shows including Doctor Who confidential. One of these shows was “Doctor Who Greatest Moments”.
Great! I thought. A chance to show the new Who fans who watched it with me what some of the older series was like and, perhaps, shed light on who Rassilon was, etc.
But no. The “Greatest Moments” program was entirely restricted to New Who. It briefly remembered Eccleston before moving the spotlight entirely on to Tennant. Now Tennant was great Doctor but there have been other great Doctor Who moments.
This screen grab from the IMDB entry for the program shows who featured.
Once again, you may chalk this down to paranoia – or perhaps down to the program being nothing more than a farewell song for Tennant and RTD but I did notice a lack of Moffat episodes in the “greatest moments” too.
Just me?