Adventure Time – The Original Cartoon Title Cards is a new volume of quirky, brilliant and bizarre title cards.
Not sure what a title card is? Title cards typically come after the opening sequence but before the first bit of the show. It’s a chance for the TV program to reveal the episode’s title.
In Pokemon there’s a character reading the episodes title and similar techniques are used in various anime. There’s an episode of Heroes in which, as a title card, Sylar sliced the words “I am Slyar” into his own arm.
Adventure Time uses title cards and they’re as mind-bending as individual as each episode in the animation.
Titan Book’s compilation of Title Cards is one for collectors and fans. The book comes with additional sketches, works in progress and a look at revisions as well as the final title card. There’s comments from artists like Pendleton Ward, Any Ristaino, Nick Jennings, Phil Rynda and Paul Linsley who worked on the show.
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