It’s worth watching this Kickstarter pitch for Enter the Shadowside: Destiny just to hear the concept of Heirogamy discussed and what it means for gamers. Lean more on Kickstarter.
Enter the Shadowside: Destiny looks like a done deal. The team are looking for just $1,000 for their Kicsktarter and with 11 days still go (at the time of writing) they’ve raised nearly $2,500. The book looks done too. That’s a common claim but you can see the hard back being flicked through in the pitch.
The first 97 pages are free for preview too. You can download it from DriveThruRPG.
You’ll see that this narrative RPG uses cards instead of dice. I always find that a hard sale. I’ve played in card games and enjoyed them nevertheless I always worry when people mention cards.
I don’t worry when it comes to the art. The Kickstarter showcase looks gorgeous.
For a pledge of $5 (with shipping to come later and via DTRPG) you’ll pick up a deck of 57 Destiny RPG cards. $7 is the same deal except with Tarot Cards.
A $10 pledge gets you a digital copy of Enter The Shadowside: Destiny, $12 gets you a softcover and $13 the hardcover. With both physical books you need to pay shipping and printing later to DriveThruRPG. If you’re not comfortable with paying printing and shipping later there are options to pay up front. For example, $40 gets you the “Player Combo Plus” which is the Hardcover and the digital edition.
The top pledge tier is $200 and it’s sold out. That’s a good sign.