Are you getting fed up of superhero movies? Geek Native asked the question to readers and competition players. 300 responses later and analysis shows that interest in superheroes remain strong; good news for the Ant-Man movie, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice a host of others due on the big screen over the next few years.
More than 80% of respondents said they weren’t yet bored of superhero movies.
This is a geek blog so perhaps the results are skewed? We also asked whether the respondents considered themselves a comic book fan or not. There was a difference in results; 87.79% of geeks not bored of superhero films compared to 80.12% of non-geeks but that is still a very strong result for the genre.
What do you think? As Superhero Week kicks off on Geek Native again; are you getting bored of superhero films?
This superhero-themed post is from 2015’s Superhero Week. Made any good superhero discoveries online recently? Share them in the comments below or teleport to a new superhero article and keep reading.