Rule 63 of the Internet says that for every pop culture character, there is another version of a different gender. This is particularly true of cosplay where costumers enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters regardless of gender. Some prefer to genderswap the costumes and imagine how the character would dress if he or she was a different gender while others prefer to do a traditional crossplay -dressing in the clothing of a character of the opposite sex. No matter how it’s done, the end result is often delightful and here are some of the best Rule 63 cosplays from this year’s San Diego Comic Con.
Immortan Joanne
Fans of Fury Road know that Immortan Joe is an intimidating character, but makeup artist Cig Neutron (recently featured on SyFy’s FaceOff) and costumer/model Rannie Rodil proved that his female version, Immortan Joanne, is also a force to be reckoned with.
Harley Quinn
This militant lovefool has quite the soft spot for Lady J and he’s willing to prove it with every violent bash of his massive mallet.
It’s easy to see why Harley is such a sucker for his pudding -she’s quite the looker as far as clowns go. (Just in case someone wants to pull their geek card and argue that she is actually cosplaying as Duella Dent, I double checked with her when I took the picture and she is most certainly a lady Joker.)
It’s hard not to wonder how the creators of the Hawkeye Initiative would feel about this sexy genderswapped version of the character they chose to point out the preposterous way females tend to be depicted in comic books. Regardless, it’s hard not to love this beautiful creation by Castle Corsetry.
Ironman and Thor
Castle Corsetry didn’t just stop with Hawkeye though, they made an entire team of Avengers including even Loki, Scarlet Witch and Nick Fury (you can find pictures of the full team shared on their Twitter page). When it comes to Rule 63 though, it is hard to beat seeing Ironmand and Thor as lingerie modeling angels since they are some of the most machismo characters in the entire ensemble.
One of the least sexy film characters of all time is the sleazebag whose name you don’t want to say three times in a row. Surprisingly though, his female equivalent, created by Gogo Incognito, is all too attractive -even with moss growing out of her cleavage.
On the other hand, even with a killer body dressed up in little more than a bra and panties, Skeletor still just too creepy to be sexy -though this cosplay is all too wonderful.
Basil of Baker Street
It’s one thing to change the gender of a (mostly) human cartoon character, but cosplaying The Great Mouse Detective, Basil of Baker Street as an adorable (mostly) human female took a lot of imagination and craft.
Everyone loves the cool hip-thrusting beefcake that is Duffman, but Duffgirl is like Duff Lite -just as great and a lot less filling.
Cheech and Chong
If your drug of choice has to be puffed rather than sipped, you’ll appreciate how trippy it is to see Cheech and Chong as mustachioed hot babes. Something tells me the real Cheech and Chong would be oddly attracted to this genderswapped pair.
Now I have to be honest here, I’ve named these the best Rule 63 cosplays of the San Diego Comic Con despite the fact that SDCC Rule 37 clearly states that there is no possible way to see even half of the cosplayers at Comic Con. With that in mind, I’m more than happy to hear your opinions in the comments. Hate one you’ve seen here? Let me know. Have you seen a way better genderswap from the convention pictured elsewhere? Share it with the rest of us. Maybe we can come to an consensus -or at least have an enjoyable debate on the topic.