Has sci-fi become more mainstream in the last five years?
You might scan the cinema or TV listings and wonder whether more of the shows have a science-fiction leaning while enjoying the limelight of popular slots on popular channels. You might think about shelf-space in your local library or bookstore and you might even wonder about recent music videos and others works of art and wonder if there’s more sci-fi influence there than ever before.
Geek Native’s research shows that geeks are fairly divided as to whether sci-fi has become more “mainstream”, more mass market and generalist, over the years. Those who don’t identify as geek are far more certain though; sci-fi has become more mainstream.
The stats come from a poll run to support a giveaway of the second series French sci-fi Metal Hurlant Resurgence. To enter the giveaway readers had to say whether they thought of themselves as geeks or not and whether they saw sci-fi becoming more mainstream in the last five years. This method of polling isn’t hugely scientific but does provide some fun analysis.
The exclusive research suggests that 56.5% of geeks, just over half, think sci-fi has become more mainstream in the last
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Image credit: Ruben