Stormtroopers versus Aliens might sound a bit cheesy. Wouldn’t the Stormtroopers be unable to land a shot on any of the swift xenomorphs and get wiped out in seconds?
I’m sure some geeks will argue that but the effectiveness of a Stormtroopers is underplayed. Anyone who’s watched the Clone Wars animated series will have a different opinion. Step forward Guillem H. Pongiluppi, a concept artist and matte painter. He’s a historian and specialises in virtual archeology but he’s also worked on movies the the forthcoming Warcraft movie by Duncan Jones.
Guillem’s series The 501st Legion versus Aliens looks dark and wonderful. There’s no cheese here at all. The battle between the aliens and the Stormtroopers look brutal and deadly; thankfully the troopers have a lightsaber user or two on their side…
You can buy Redbubble goodies of Guillem’s art as well as Society 6 art prints, framed art prints and canvas prints. I’m very tempted.
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