DNDKids is a new online comic from writer and game designer Uri Kurlianchik and artist Jamie Keys. Okay, a newish site – it has been going since June 2016 but unlike many webcomics it has kept going.
Uri’s been published by the likes of Wizards of the Coast and Paizo Publishing in the past and when he’s not writing he works in community centres and schools to introduce kids to D&D. We can start to conclude where the inspiration for DNDKids.com comes from!
As it happens DNDkids.com, the domain, actually redirects you to a site hosted by Ghostwood Books. That’s another brand that gamers might recognise. This indie, fair-trade publisher, is headed up by Tim Dedopulus who’s worked for publishers like Nightfall Games and Wizards of the Coast as well for the Mad Men themselves at Ogilvy.
It’s well worth checking out DNDKids over at Ghostwoods and easy to navigate through the comic collection.