Amazon has greenlit the comedic apocalyptic series Good Omens based on Neil Gaiman’s and Terry Prachett’s book.
Good Omens will only be available through Amazon Prime Video for most of the world. In the UK the BBC will broadcast the series after the premiere on Prime Video.
The show will be set in 2018 when the Apocalypse is near and Final Judgement is due to descent upon humanity. The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter Witch (the world’s only completely accurate book of prophecies) the world will end, just before dinner, next Saturday.
The armies of Good and Evil are rising, Atlantis has returned and everything is going according to the divine plan. Except, that is, for the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley. Neither are looking forward to the war as both have become rather found of mortals.
Oh, and someone’s lost the Antichrist.
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