The Kickstarter funded in about a day. Mind you, the Italian Evil Company didn’t ask for much – just €5,000. This is a good looking, clever game and the campaign looks professional. I predict The Silence of Hollowind RPG will smash into stretch goals. You can follow on official Kickstarter page.
The Evil Company is Italian but the default language of this campaign is in English. A glance at the Kickstarter page will reassure you just how good the English is.
The Silence of Hollowind is an urban fantasy. This is a genre that’s under represented by RPGs but with Netflix’s Blight on the radar I suspect it’s due for a popularity boom. In the game we’ve a 1930s America vibe but Orcs, Elves and other fantasy races. Magic is banned and wizards hunted down.
A pledge of just €12 will get you The Silence of Hollowind and The Silence of Hollowing: Censored in PDF form. That’s a limited tier and is selling out. If you miss it you’ll need to step up to €15. It’s only €30 to get one of the limited paper books or €35 when that sells out.
The RPG describes itself as ‘mutli-system’ and at the same time uses special rules for Savage Worlds. The game will use conversions for (hopefully) your favourite game and therefore ensure you can already play. Just in case they’ll offer free PDF of the special Savage Worlds rules. I think this is a gamble but is a good market test.

Luca Bellini is both author and Graphic Designer. This speaks to why the game looks so good. The staff photograph on the Kickstarter page is loaded with illustrators and graphic designers. It looks like the expensive talent is all in-house at The Evil Company.
I’m a sucker for pretty goods. I’m going to back this one.