March 4th is International GM’s Day (and the anniversary of Gary Gygax’s death).
Every year the RPG publisher community rallies around to support GM’s Day in the form of sales. It can be a bit busy and a bit hard to keep track of. The purpose of this page is to keep tabs on the International GM’s Day sales as and when they are announced.
DriveThruRPG GM’s Day
The 2018 GM’s Day Sale Page has just gone live.
At the time of posting there are no offers announced. We predict it’ll get busy, quickly. However, some publishers have already announced sales.
The Dungeon Masters Guild
The DMs Guild are having their own sale. You can access the DMs Day discounts here.
The Dungeon Masters Guilde is a program that lets you sell content built from Wizards of the Coast’s intellectual property (ie; Dungeons & Dragons) and legally make money from it. If you stick to the guidelines. It’s a marketplace for fans and professionals to share and sell their best stuff.
Storytellers’ Vault
White Wolf have done their own version and celebrated ‘Storytellers Day’. They’ve got 700 PDF RPGs and supplements at 33% off. You can grab as many as you want from Storytellers’ Vault.
Fat Dragon Games
Access their sales page here.
March is Fat Dragon Games’s 13th anniversary so they’re running an especially large sale. Most products have 50% off.
Tabletop Adventures
Access Tabletop Adventures’ sales page here.
There will be 30% off all their electronic products until March 7th.
Image credit: Tarasque by RJ Palmer. Creative Commons.
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