White Wolf have just printed the latest edition of Vampire: the Masquerade. It has not been an easy ride for them. Geek Native’s coverage “White Wolf just told the alt-right to f*ck off” documents some of the drama and has received far more comments than most the posts on this little blog gets.
It’s been a heated debate. Some fans just want the books to be published and don’t want the politics to derail the process.
There’s a petition on Change.org called Fans of Vampire: The Masquerade & World of Darkness in support of 5th and future editions which attempts to encourage White Wolf, who are now owned by Paradox Interactive to keep the faith a publish.
The petition pitch begins;
We are fans of Vampire: The Masquerade and the World of Darkness and we strive to do all we can to keep our common world alive and thriving.
While we do not support everything that White Wolf does, we do support their efforts to revitalize the RPG community by releasing new 5th editions for all the core games. We do not wish the controversy by a few loud voices, over content they disapprove of, to make the world at large think that we don’t support White Wolf and the roll out of new games, because we most certainly DO support that. We all might not agree with game mechanics, controversial themes, or approaches to content and Storytelling, but we do have the shared experience of the positive impact and lasting effect that White Wolf products have given us over the years.
One very important name in the community agrees. Mark Rein-Hagen signed the petition. He said;
Lets make sure WW and its owner Paradox know that we want to see so much more from the World of Darkness!
Vampire image by PowerSmoker and released under Creative Commons.
Check out the comments below to see what other Geek Natives think.