I was born in 1976. Gaiking‘s original run was in 1976. This is an old anime mecha franchise that’s about to get a new lease of life via visual effects designer Matthew Gratzner.
Gratzner has worked on films like The Dark Knight and Iron Man but is now making the hop to director in order to produce this Shogun Warriors movie.
Mattel had a toy line, imported in the late 70s, called Shogun Warriors. Gaiking was one of the Shogun Warriors.
Gaiking is a noteworthy Shogun Warrior for a few years. He has a mysterious head on his chest – believed to be that of a Daiku Maryu. Daiku Maryu is a gigantic dragon robot that protected Earth from the invaders from Planet Zala.
Anyway; enough lore, check out the clips.
And one of the old anime
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