Fancy playing an intelligent doggo in your next dungeon-crawling quest? Now you can thanks to Russ Charles and this Kickstarter campaign.
At the time of writing, this Kickstarter has about a week left to run, and it will kickstart. How come I’m so sure? It’s funded by 1261% already. That’s £190,000 against a requested £15,000. That’s nearly 7,000 backers.
The pledge tiers are so simple. There’s only one. £27 will get you the 12 Dungeon & Doggies minis, the Kickstarter exclusive of Tonka the Mastiff Bard, an animal adventures dungeon and rules companion.
The company behind this is Painting and Polygons and although they’ve been involved in Kickstarters before this is the first time they’ve acted alone. There’s unlikely to be stretch goals but if your favourite breed isn’t yet modelled then it may still happen.
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Dungeons and Doggos already exists as a webcomic and therefore already has a fan base.
This isn’t the first RPG sourcebook to support intelligent dogs. Eddy Webb’s Pugmire has done well, enjoying an average rating of 4.5/5 on DrivethruRPG after 18 reviews.
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