Geek Native announced that Things from the Flood the sequel to the hugely successful Tales from the Loop RPG would be hitting Kickstarter at the start of the month. Well, the game is currently funding so let’s take a look at the campaign page and see how we’re doing.
We’re only a few days into the project and it is approaching 2,000,000 SEK – thrashing the humble 100,000 SEK it asked for. In GDP terms that means it has collected over £155,000 after asking for only £8,500.
‘Flood’ feels like a good name for the project. After backing this project early I’ve had a dozen updates in my inbox already. This, of course, is partly due to stretch goals being unlocked.
I was hoping for a pledge level that would let me pick up Tales from the Loop RPG in a single scoop. That’s not possible but Free League Publishing has made their other products available as add-ons.
I’ve gone for the Kickstarter limited version of the book at the US$112/£85 level! I couldn’t resist.
The cheaper alternative is the PDF at $22.50 or £17 and that comes with all the digital stretch goals. The printed rulebook is yours for US$40 or about £30.
Tales from the Loop is an artbook inspired by 80 fantasy and urban fantasy adventures. It’s sci-fi but not sci-fi and gorgeous. Things from the Flood is the 90s version taking inspiration from that decade (in Sweden).
The important change from the RPGs inspired by artist’s Simon Stalenhag’s world is that in Things from the Flood RPG your teenage adventurers are older (and now in mortal danger).