Onyx Path Publishing has another Kickstarter, the 33rd associated with boss Richard Thomas’ account, and it has nothing to do with old White Wolf properties. They Came from Beneath the Sea! is a B-movie setting, the 1950s to the max, written by Matthew Dawkins. OPP have a great track record, and it’s no surprise to see that this campaign is nearly funded within hours of launch. You can track progress at their Campaign Page.
A pledge of US $25 will get you the They Came from Beneath the Sea! core rules in PDF form along with early access and the print-and-play Quip and Cinematic Cards. Want those as a hardcover and print-on-demand cards? Step up a $50 pledge (that’s about £40).
I mentioned Onyx Path Publishing has a long history of running good Kickstarters. That’s true but cuts both ways. Do check out the additional Terms and Conditions they add to the usual Kickstarter deal which you can find at the bottom of the page. In summary; details might change, and if you take bloody ages to respond to them when it comes to fulfilment then you may miss out.
The game will use Storypath. That’s a system where you need 8, 9 or 10 on d10s to tally up successes and need at least 3 of them to be successful. The core rules for the Storypath system are free in this 2018 preview, so you can check them out before backing the game.
Designer Matthew Dawkins is at the helm of this project. He already has a long list of OPP and even White Wolf credits to his name not limited to;
- Vampire: the Masquerade 5th edition
- Sothis Ascends
- Monarchies of Mau core rules
- W20 Book of the Wyrm
- Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
They Came from Beneath the Sea! actual play
Today, gamers are increasingly familiar with Twitch and YouTube streams of games. OPP take wise advantage of this by sharing two hours of actual play.
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