Etsy boutique Polished Planets sell some unusual items and perhaps first and foremost among them are snow globe dice.
What are snow globe dice?
Snow globes are dioramas encased in glass or plastic spheres, filled with water and decorates with loose material that floats in the water when the whole thing is shaken. The snow globe dice do away with the dioramas and just focus on the sparkly material that swishes around when the container is shaken.
Show me the swirling dice I can buy
[Full set of 7 snow globe dice]
It’s not mentioned in Polished Planets description as to whether these impressive dice are properly balanced or not. Either way, you might expect a strict DM to be a bit sceptical of such a dice actually being used at the table but they certainly look impressive.
These dice are clearly hard to photograph but I suspect Polished Planets would do well with investing in some carefully arranged closeup shots, videos and gifs to show the swirls of the rolling dice.
It looks like the gaming community is yet to find Polished Planets and Rodney Benesh’s work en mass and so these dice look like great gift ideas for fellow geeks. They’re the sort of curiosity you might find it hard to buy for yourself but would love someone else to surprise you with.