Ben Milton is the author of the Maze Rats RPG and Knave. He’s very active on YouTube, running the Questing Beast channel which now has over 26,000 subscribers.
A tweet from Milton confirmed he had been hired to produce a Labyrinth adventure RPG and showcased a mockup of it. That tweet has now been deleted but many others from the author, just without the mock-up, confirm the project.
The publisher is River Horse Games, they’ve created the mechanics and defined a structure to the RPG and Milton wrote the adventure part for it. He describes the adventure has 90 interlinked scenes with OSR (Old School Renaissance) challenges, but not OSR rules.
There’s an element of re-playability with the adventure as anyone run through will only reveal about one-third of those 90 scenes. There are random generators as well so no two attempts to get through the Labyrinth will be the same.
Milton describes the mechanics as very simple and perfect for new groups. There’s a 13-hour count down clock which you have to beat or lose and have to start over.
Art from Brian Froud’s The Goblins of Labyrinth will pack the book and Milton even claims the book itself will have a hole where you can store a dice and a flip book mechanic of an owl flying around the page numbers.
River Horse already have a Labyrinth board game in their range but the last official news on their site if for John Kovalic’s Krowdfunder.
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