Plagued is an award-winning comic series from Scotland. It’s the story of a bounty hunter in a depressing near future world wracked by a plague who encounters a witch that changes his world view. You can follow the progress of the crowdfunding campaign to make Part 3, the final issue, on Kickstarter.
It’s not an expensive Kickstarter. £5 is enough to get you a digital, DRM-free, copy of Plagued Volume 3. £10 is enough to get you the final copy in print and all three volumes in digital. You can go higher if you want merch, prints and all copies in print.
BHP, the Glasgow-based publisher, is running the campaign. At least; it’s hosted in their name. It’s the first. That’s interesting as Killtopia, another Scottish success and a title they picked up, just finished volume 2 funding on Kickstarter in the creator’s name. Dave Cook managed to raise over £22,000.
Plagued is only asking for £1,800. At the time of writing, there are 28 days on the clock and they’re fast approaching the 50% mark. It’s a good sign.
If you want to check out a few pages of issue one before you pledge you can do so over at Issuu.
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