The first series of Adventure Finders by Rod Espinosa introduces us to Clariette. Now Action Lab have picked up the title and Esponosa is back with a new series; Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers.
You can pre-order now, and the first volume, containing the first four issues, will be digital first at Comixology available May 15th. The second issue also acts as an official start of the series and can be bought at SDCC before hitting stores later this year.
Adventure Finders is a Lord of the Rings style adventure with some Game of Thrones-style schemes thrown in. A feature of the story is that it’s a female centred adventure.
Rod Esponosa, who writes and illustrates, the series explained what he meany by female centred adventure. He told press;
I believe a lot of female centered stories still miss much of what it really means to be female centered. Books like Elfquest get it. It’s not about women being just as aggressive as the men. Or acting like a man in a woman’s body. It’s a whole new way of dealing with situations and adventures laid out.”
Male centered fantasy deals a lot with just the combat aspects. The men never have to worry about feeding children or protecting the women. They blow into town, fight and party, and then leave. This is about a story of adventurers who care about the whole package. Not just saving the village from monsters, but keeping them alive afterwards.”
Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers #1
Pages 2 and 3
Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers #2
Pages 3 and 21
Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers #3
Pages 22 and 23
Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers #4
Pages 13 and 22
Visit ComiXology to pre-order Adventure Finders: Newly Hired Adventurers.