Elizabeth Chaipraditkul is an RPG creator who hit the news late last year when a warehouse bought and burnt a pile of supplements she had written for Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Afterlife: Wandering Souls is her first Kickstarter after that. It’s launched well, asking for €5,000 and with nearly €4,000 in pledges already. You can follow progress at the official campaign page.
You can also grab the Quickstart as a ‘Pay What You Want’ from DrivethruRPG today.
A pledge of €11 (about £9) gets you the PDF of the book and all digital stretch goals. It’s a hike up to €35 (about £30) to get the physical book with digital stretch goals and then the merch and perk tiers come after that.
Your character is already dead. You’re wandering a macabre and surreal plane called Tenebris. Imagine Guillermo del Torro directing a mashup of Alice in Wonderland and What Dreams May Come.
In Afterlife: Wandering Souls GMs do not roll any dice. If you fail on a roll, then your situation gets worse, and that might mean the depletion of your Health, Hunger or WIll.
Afterlife: Wandering Souls RPG actual play
Afterlife:Wandering Souls art preview