The ORPHEUS Protocol is a tabletop RPG that blends cosmic horror (Lovecraft) with occult Espionage (X-Files). It’s Rob Stith’s first Kickstarter and is already 200% funded with, at the time of writing, 24 days still to run. You can follow the progress at the campaign page.
A pledge of $25 will get you the PDF of the game (due Jan 2020) or a Roll20 edition, $40 will get you both, and $60 is enough for the PDF and Hardcover edition of the game.
You can grab the playtest edition right now, for free, at DrivethruRPG where it’s had 22-star ratings and maintained an impressive 5/5.
There’s even a YouTube series coming. Here’s the teaser from Seraph Films! It’s Not Safe For Work.
Give the short a chance. It’s better than most and Geek Native screens shorts on YouTube often.
The inspiration for the RPG is the tension from games like Dread and Call of Cthulhu with the tactics found in Euro-style board games.
The campaign page makes mention of a podcast and the pledge tiers mention on-air thanks. You can find that content over at the main Orpheus Protocol site.

It feels like Rob Stith and team have already done the hard work. They’ve got a RPG that’s good to go and already have a loyal following. I’m predicting success for The Orpheus Protocol.