Imagine if one of your players managed to roll two 1s on their d20 when they had an advantage. As a D&D group, you’d all get how rare that was. That roll would be one of many made in the game and one of the few remembered. It might suck to be that player, though, so why not delight and surprise your entire group by handing out a tabletop RPG achievement badge.
In this case, it would be a patch that read ‘Murphy’s Dice’. It’s rare and reserved only for those people who roll two natural 1s in an attack with advantage. You can see the other achievements and the progress made on Samantha Darcy and Stephen Rowe’s Kickstarter campaign here.

In this case, the word ‘badge’ means 2-inch, sew-on, embroidered patch (and accompanying PDF). We don’t mean pins.
If you only want the PDF of the designs, perhaps because you use a virtual tabletop like Astral or Roll20 and digital badges are exactly what you need, then pledge $15 and they’re yours.
Step up to $25, and you’ll get the 8 common physical patches too. $40 adds the 8 rare badges and $60 for the Legendary Patch stretch goals as well. Right now, backers are divided between the $40 and $60 tiers.
This campaign has funded. Darcy and Rowe asked for $4,000 and already have more than $11,000 in the bank. At the time of writing, there are 22 days left still to run.

This achievement means we’ve unlocked two levels of Legendary Feat badges; one of which is for rolling two natural 20s on an attack roll, when you had a disadvantage, against a creature with a higher CR. Good luck getting that one in-game.
Still waiting to unlock are the legendary monster and classes badges. There is a Tarrasque badge for anyone able to defeat the Tarrasque. I presume it’ll go to the sole survivor of the group?