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At the time of writing, there are 168 Warhammer audiobooks at Audible. That’s incredible.
Most of these audiobooks belong to a series, but Audible has a category between series and Warhammer. For example, Warhammer 40,000 is one, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar is another.
Geek Native’s put together a filter widget to help navigate through all these options. You can restrict your browsing by author or narrator. The last column in the display is a heatmap that turns more orange the longer the audiobook is.
A tiny amount of data cleansing was done on that list. For example, two out of the three Fabius Bile books were put in the Fabius Bile series by Audible, so we put the third one in there too.
Now we have all that data in the system we can do some further analysis. Some spreadsheet action tells us that Dan Abnett has written the most content at over 100 hours. That’s more than 35 other authors. Okay, we discount those audiobooks with multiple writers for that calculation.
Visually, we can see what proportion of the Warhammer audio world Abnett takes up and also see that ‘guest narrators’ like David Tennant and Billie Piper manage to carve out a slice for themselves.
Warhammer audiobooks by author
As you can see, there is a category called ‘multiple authors’ for when more than one writer has contributed to a book. These are often anthologies.
This analysis shows there are fewer narrators than authors in the Warhammer audio universe. We can do the same treemap diagram to show their empires too.
Warhammer audiobooks by narrator
John Banks comes out as the most dominant narrator, but he faces competition from Toby Longworth and Gareth Armstrong.
A quirky fact about Warhammer Audible books is that the shorter they are, and some are short enough to listen to entirely over a cup of tea, the more narrators they are likely to have.
Warhammer universe of audiobooks
Do you have any Warhammer Audible recommendations? Let us know below or pop over to the chat portal to join in the discussions across the site.