Success with Final Fantasy and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman has made Yoshitaka Amano famous. It’s no surprise that fans sat up and took notice when it was announced he would be directing his first ever anime film.
In fact; news of the film helped explain a mysterious panther-like creature that Amano has put on display at the Opéra de Paris in France last year. The alien panther towered over the audience but was presented without any explanation or commentary. The same creature was put on display at the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2010 but appeared alongside the word “Zan”.
The film is the story of samurai Zan, taken to a world in the future in an alternative dimension to battle evil.
In fact, Amano is doing more than directing the film – which will be in 3D. He has established his own production studio for the project. He is directing the anime, has produced the original draft art and conceived the first version of the story.
Zan will not be the last of Yoshitaka Amano’s anime feature films. His production studio, Studio Deva Loka (which translates to ‘the place where gods assemble’) is expected to announce further projects.
(Hat tip to Anime News Network)