This is a brave idea for an alternative way to do battle maps and it’s asking for $75,000 on Kickstarter. Dungeon Craft, though, seems to be reaching people and with 35 days to go, at the time of writing, they’ve got over $51, 000 in pledges.
Why is it brave? It’s a collection of battle map stuff that you cut up and deploy on another battle map to highlight it. You can read more and follow on the campaign page.
The idea is you buy the book and then destroy it. That’ll divide gamers. However, having a bank of assets that you can drop onto battle maps is an excellent idea. It’ll stop all your encounters being fought over the exact same terrain.
The campaign only ships to certain countries.
A pledge of US$30 gets you the full book and stretch goals.
As the pitch video explains 1985 Games also want to do a hell version, and water version (High Water, great name) and that bundle costs $55. There are larger tiers available too.

Black Magic Craft
Black Magic Craft took a look at the book. While it’s a sponsored video, I think it shows the book in pretty good detail. It also reminds us why 1985 Games is asking for so much money from Kickstarter. They need to order a lot of products to keep the cost down.
Are you tempted?